Miller House
Orto resides in the Historical Daniel R. Miller House
Built 1824 by William Brown
Daniel Robbins Miller (1797-1891)
(Married Isabella Hawkins who died after 6 months. He then married Martha Olive Mills)
Daniel had 2 children and worked farming the acres he owned around his house and in other parts of the village. As a child, Daniel lived in the William Miller home, located across the street, which
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The Daniel Miller House was built in the style of vernacular architecture which was a common house structure for this region. The gambrel roof, however, is unique.
The building is extremely strong and was built using mortise and tenon construction. This can be seen in the bar area. The building had no structural damage after a huge tree fell on it in 2012.
The original portion of the house is unknown. It is thought that it was extended numerous times with the first portion being only the entrance and bar area. The most recent extension of the main dining room was completed in 1985.
The wood floors and beams are all original to our knowledge.
Through the years we have heard many stories of ghosts, hidden passages to the water, underground rooms and much more. Although these are entertaining, none of these have held much truth. However, we heard of skeletons in the closet from one of the homes down the street!
Restaurant History
The Secret Road Inn 1963 - 1992
Dublin Delight Nov 1992
Miller's Table June 2001
Collucci's Oct 2003
Brian Scotts 2010-2012
Orto Feb 2012
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